
JOGOMED - Webdesign
JOGOMED - Webdesign contact me for your homepage-design
*I will help you, your business and your hobby to present yourself in the WWW*



link Freenet allergy Freenet / Meome - allergology - medical information (in German language)



link German ENT Society German Ear-Nose-Throat Society
link ENT department Cologne Ear - Nose - Throat - Department  -  Medical Faculty, University of Cologne
ENT-Surgery Dr. med. N. Pasch ENT-Surgery Dr. med. N. Pasch Aachen
link Freenet ENT Freenet / Meome - ENT - medical information (in German language)


Institutes of Cologne University

link AGKS Workgroup Clinical Trials
link IGKE Institute for Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology
link IMSIE Institute for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Epidemiology (IMSIE)


Further medical links

link database syndroms US-Database containing help and infos for many diagnoses and syndroms
link Medline Medline


Some useful links

link phonenumber service German Telekom phonenumber service
link search engine Link to search engine GOOGLE
link meta-search engine Link to meta-search engine METACRAWLER


Hobbies, Art and Music

link yachting club SCAC - Segelclub Aachen e.V. (yachting club, Rursee)
link HH-AO Aachen Link to harmonika-harmonie accordion-orchestra Aachen e.V.
link AOB Link to accordion-orchestra Baltmannsweiler e.V.
link Sigrid Goldschmidt Sigrid Goldschmidt (calligraphy, watercolour, etching), visit a small exhibition
link Eckart Goldschmidt Eckart Goldschmidt
link Dr. med. Katrin Goldschmidt Dr. med. Katrin Goldschmidt


last update: 29.08.2013