Born 1968 in Aachen, studying medicine at the university of Aachen "RWTH Aachen", thesis 1997 (about "Quality Assurance in ENT Medicine"). From 1991 to 1996 working at the University-ENT-department as a student and intern and residency (especially working interest: allergology and hospital information systems, hard- and software-solutions).
1996-1998 EDP/computer networks for university institutes, clinical monitoring, biometrics for different (especially allergology) studies when working as a member of the "Institute for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Epidemiology" and "Institute for Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology" at the University of Cologne. 1998-2002 medical staff member of the University-ENT-Department Cologne. In the past years I preferred publications in quality assurance, health economics and allergology. Homepage-construction for institutes mentioned above and since 1999 for "workgroup allergology and immunology" of the German ENT-Society. Since 2000 internet expert (ENT and allergology) for
2002-2006 medical staff member of the Aachen University Department of Phoniatrics, Pedaudiology and Communication Disorders. Since December 2003 fulfilling senior physician task. Since 2002 teacher and lecturer for speech therapists (school) and students (medical doctors, speech therapy). In 2006 consulting physian for KITZ (childrens therapists center) in Eupen/Elsenborn (Belgium).
02nd January 2007: taking over the medical practice from Ms. Drews in Diepholz. Since 2012 ENT and phoniatrics (speech disorders, hearing, dysphagia) medical practice in cooperation with my wife Dr. med. Katrin Goldschmidt in Diepholz: Homepage Diepholz medical practice.
Phoniatrics-Pedaudiology-specialist, ENT-specialist, Voice- and Speech Disorders, Medical Informatics, Germany, Ärztekammer Nordrhein, Link to Ärztekammer Nordrhein (Berufsordnung/physicians-rules)


last update: 26.08.2013